Why Isn't STK Saving the Properties of an Object?

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QuestionWhy isn't STK saving the properties of an object?

See the following list of possible causes for why STK is not saving the properties of an object properly. Please check through all these cases, in order, to find the root cause for your situation. 

1. Write permissions to the directory

First, verify that the file and the directory you are saving to are not set to “read only”.

2. Duplicate objects with the same name

If neither the file nor directory are write-protected, the most likely problem is that two or more of the same type of objects have the same name. For example, assume you have "Sensor1" on a facility and "Sensor1" on a satellite. When STK saves the scenario, only one "Sensor1.sn" file is saved. This is standard Windows OS behavior, as the Windows OS only allows one file with a given name and extension to be the same folder.  Therefore, the properties from the satellite's sensor will overwrite the properties from the facility's sensor, or vice versa. 

To prevent this, every object of a given type (satellite, facility, sensor, etc.) should have a unique name. In other words, you can have a sensor and a satellite both named “test”, but you should not have two sensors named “test”.  

3. Two or more scenarios saved in the same folder

Saving a scenario can overwrite files from another scenario in the same directory. If you have a satellite named ISS in your scenario, STK will save a file called ISS.sa that contains all the properties of the satellite. However, if there are any other scenarios in the same directory with a satellite named ISS, that ISS.sa file will be overwritten. Again, this is standard Windows OS behavior, as the Windows OS only allows one file with a given name and extension to be the same folder. To prevent these conflicts, it is a good practice to always save each scenario in its own directory.

TitleWhy Isn't STK Saving the Properties of an Object?
URL NameWhy-aren-t-the-properties-of-an-object-in-STK-being-saved

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