Visualizing Coverage with STK Components

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QuestionHow do I visualize coverage in STK Components?
This is a components demo showing visualization of coverage using Insight3D.

You can easily modify this project with different area targets or by adding or modifying satellites.

Like all components projects, make sure you add the components' DLLs from your components install to your references in the project by right-clicking the References drop-down, clicking Add, and browsing to your components directory. Build this project for Debug and target x64 or x86.

How to use:
1. Start the program from visual studio.
2. Select the state you would like to visualize coverage for.
3. Select which satellites you would like to set as assets for the coverage.
4. Set the granularity.
5. Click run.
6. Once the calculation is complete, controls will appear in the 3D graphics window.
7. Click Play to begin the coverage visualization.

As the satellites pass over the selected state, the coverage grid will appear. Two or more accesses will change the color of the access.
TitleVisualizing Coverage with STK Components
URL NameVisualizing-Coverage-with-STK-Components

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