How Do I Register a WSC-type Plugin with STK or ODTK?

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QuestionHow do I register a WSC-type plugin with STK or ODTK?
There are at least two and possibly three parts to a WSC-type plugin:
1. There is an XML file that tells STK or ODTK about the plugin. You need to copy this file into either:
• <install folder>/Plugins  -  The default is C:\Program Files\AGI\STK 12\Plugins for STK and C:\Program Files\AGI\ODTK 7\Plugins for ODTK.
• <user folder>/Config/Plugins  -  The default is C:\Users\<user name>\Documents\STK 12\Config\Plugins for STK and C:\Users\<user name>\Documents\ODTK 7\Config\Plugins for ODTK.

2. There is a WSC file. You need to register this one with Windows. To register it, open up a command prompt as an administrator. You have to use the command prompt that matches the STK/ODTK install.
• In a 32-bit version of Windows, use the 32-bit command (C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe) to register a plugin for the 32-bit version of STK or ODTK.
• In a 64-bit version of Windows:
• Use the 32-bit command prompt (C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe) to register a plugin for the 32-bit version of STK/ODTK.
• Use the 64-bit command prompt (C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe) to register a plugin for the 64-bit version of STK/ODTK.
• After you open the correct command prompt as an administrator, change your directory to where the WSC file is saved, then register the file using the regsvr32 command. For example, to register the HPOP plugin that updates drag coefficient as a function of mach, use:
regsvr32 CdFuncOfMach.Hpop.wsc​​ 
3. Optionally, add a file containing the plugin code if the code is not contained in the WSC. This file could be "vbs, pl, m, etc.". The advantage of placing the code in a separate file and not the WSC is that you can edit this code file and there is no need to reregister it after every update.
TitleHow Do I Register a WSC-type Plugin with STK or ODTK?
URL NameRegister-wsc-plugin

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