Percent Coverage by Region with Multiple Area Targets

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QuestionHow do I report the percent coverage for each region of a Coverage Definition object having two or more defining area targets?
This article assumes that you have already created a Coverage Definition object with two or more custom area targets as the regions, with the area targets overlapping each other. When creating a custom region from two or more area targets, STK combines the area targets into a single region before creating the coverage grid. There are two ways you can find the percent coverage for each of the regions. Method 1 is simpler, but not as precise.

Method 1
  1. Create a separate Coverage Definition object for each area target.
  2. Next, create a Percent Coverage report. When you do this, the grid points for each individual Coverage Definition object may be in slightly different locations compared to the single Coverage Definition object defined by two or more regions. The finer the point granularity in the Coverage Definition, the less this location difference will affect the results.
Method 2
  1. Open the Coverage Definition properties browser.
  2. On the Basic - Grid page, the Type should already be set to Custom Regions.  Clear the Check for holes check box. STK will now include the grid points in all of the regions of the coverage.
  3. Next, right-click the Coverage Definition object and select Coverage Definition > Grid Inspector. 
  4. In the Grid Inspector dialog box, set Action to Select Region. 
  5. Click each region in the 2D Graphics window to see its percent coverage value.
You can follow these same steps to get a report on any Figure of Merit!
TitlePercent Coverage by Region with Multiple Area Targets
URL NamePercent-Coverage-by-Region-with-Multiple-Area-Targets

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