Making and Using Custom Markers in the STK Application

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You can use your own custom markers for objects in the Ansys Systems Tool Kit® (STK®) digital mission engineering software. First, open the properties for your object and go to the 3D Graphics / Model properties page, as shown below. Go to the section in the upper right called "Marker." If you select the Show check box, the default selection is Marker, where you can select from a dot, cross, star, circle, X, box, or triangle. The alternative is to select "Image File." The images that ship with the STK application are identical to the icons that appear in the GUI panel. However, you can make or use your own image files as markers in the STK application. 

STK 3D Models interface

The ones below are custom made. This set is really just one marker in eight different colors.

Thumbnail of content

Attached is a PSD (Photoshop) document for you to edit these custom markers or make more. The image files are 256 x 256 pixels, but it is unlikely you will ever need such high resolution.

In the STK GUI, after you point to the image file you wish to use, always select the Transparent check box so that you'll be able to see through the markers in your 3D Graphics window. For most situations, you should limit your pixel size to between 15 and 30. For a slightly different look, select the Rotate check box and set it to 45 degrees.

You will most likely need write permission to your C:\Program Files\AGI\STK 12\STKData\VO\Markers folder. That’s where the STK install stores all the 3D markers. You can actually put them anywhere you want; you’ll just have to remember where that is! If you place the custom markers in your install folder, you will always be able to easily access them from the STK GUI, since they will always show up with the default selection of markers.

Note: Markers used in the 3D Graphics window are independent from markers used in the 2D Graphics window. That means that the markers you use in the 3D Graphics window may not always match the markers in the 2D Graphics window.

TitleMaking and Using Custom Markers in the STK Application
URL NameMaking-and-Using-Custom-Markers-in-STK

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