Listed below is the data that STK reads; the information within the parentheses is the data type.
• Angle units are degrees, and gain values are in dBs.
• Frequency units are MHz.
• The description may be on the first line after the line 1 data or on the second line.
• The Phi, Theta data (listed as line 3) should be on a new line after the description.
The format is as below:
Line 1:
Series (integer), Beam (string), Frequency (Float), Beam_Theta (Float), Beam_Phi (Float)
Line 2:
Description (String)
Line 3:
Start_Phi (Float), End_Theta (Float), End_Phi (Float), Start_Theta (Float), Num_Phi (integer), Num_Theta (integer)
Line 4 and subsequent lines for all gain matrix values. You can place two or more values on a single line.
Gain values (float) (dB)
See the STK Help documentation for the Intelsat Antenna Pattern format.