How to Create a Tundra Orbit

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QuestionHow do I create a tundra orbit in STK?
A tundra orbit is a special type of orbit meant to provide long periods of coverage to a single region at upper latitudes. Conceptually, it is somewhere between a Molniya orbit and a geosynchronous orbit.

Here is how to easily insert a new satellite with a tundra orbit using the satellite Orbit Wizard:

1) Open the "Insert STK Objects" window. Select "Satellite" as the object and "Orbit Wizard" as the method.

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2) In the Orbit Wizard window (shown below), change Type to "Orbit Designer." Then change the following orbital elements:

Semimajor Axis: 42164 km, for a one day period
Eccentricity: ~0.2 to ~0.3, to achieve a longer dwell time in a hemisphere
Inclination: 63.4 deg, to keep the motion of Argument of Perigee due to the Earth's J2 effect nearly constant
Argument of Perigee: 270 or 90 deg, for the northern hemisphere or southern hemisphere, respectively
RAAN: specify your own value; this moves the orbit "left" or "right" on the 2D projection
True Anomaly: specify your own value; changes the satellite location within the orbit at the start time

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TitleHow to Create a Tundra Orbit
URL NameHow-to-Create-a-Tundra-Orbit

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