How is a Satellite from the Satellite Database Determined to be Active or Inactive?

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QuestionHow is a satellite from the Satellite Database determined to be active or inactive?
The "Active" designation in the STK satellite databases is determined from a variety of sources. Whenever possible, AGI retrieves status from satellite operator websites such as:
    Amateur Satellite Service  
There are many such sites available. In some cases, like Iridium, AGI gets direct status via email.

Finally, AGI also uses the UCS Satellite Database, which is updated quarterly, to fill in those pieces that are not available elsewhere. AGI ensures that any discrepancies found in this database are passed to them. The database on CelesTrak uses the following status codes:
● Operational
● Partially Operational
● Spare
● Backup/Standby
● Extended
● Mission
● Non-Operational
● Additionally, a separate code for an "operational" satellite designated in the UCS database (which does not discriminate the various levels).

All codes except "Non-Operational" are translated to "Active" in the STK satellite database. "Non-Operational" is translated to "Inactive". All satellites with no status are left blank.
TitleHow is a Satellite from the Satellite Database Determined to be Active or Inactive?
URL NameHow-is-a-satellite-from-the-Satellite-Database-determined-to-be-active-or-inactive

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