How Can I Use MATLAB to Automate a Position, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) Scenario?

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QuestionHow can I use MATLAB to automate a position, navigation, and timing (PNT) scenario?
For many years, GPS has proven to be an extremely useful system for determining position, navigation, and timing solutions. But what if GPS is not available?

The attached MATLAB script populates and automates a scenario containing a test aircraft and several other objects that you can think of as pseudolites (rather than satellites). These other objects consist of two other aircraft and six ground stations that observe the test aircraft and seek to determine its position. STK performs Dilution of Precision (DOP) and Navigation Accuracy calculations using single-object coverage, and it exports the data into MATLAB, which generates a plot for each solution.

The script demonstrates how to interface MATLAB and STK and uses the STK Object Model (based on COM) as well as STK Connect Commands.

You can find the MATLAB script attached to this article.

Note: For STK 12.2 or older, running this script requires the Integration, Pro, and Coverage licenses. For STK 12.4 and newer, this requires only the STK Pro license. 
TitleHow Can I Use MATLAB to Automate a Position, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) Scenario?
URL NameHow-can-MATLAB-be-used-to-automate-a-Position-Navigation-and-Timing-PNT-Scenario

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