How to Find Your Disk ID and Server Name

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ProblemHow do I find the Disk ID and server name of my computer to request a license?

Beginning with STK 12.3, you must use the Ansys License Manager to serve licenses to the client. You can install Ansys License Manager on either the same computer on which you run STK or on an external computer on the same LAN. You then complete the steps below on the node that will be the Ansys license manager, i.e., the "server."

Instead of using the MAC address, as it was for STK 12.2 and earlier, AGI now uses the Disk ID (or Volume Serial Number) and server name. This article provides instructions for finding your Disk ID as well as your server name using the Ansys License Manager or a command prompt.

How do I find the Disk ID (Volume Serial Number) of my server computer? 

Option 1: Use a command prompt 

1) From the Windows start menu, type cmd to bring up the command prompt.
2) Then type vol C: and record the eight-hex-digit response.


NOTE: The Disk ID is eight-digit hexadecimal. If you use the command prompt, it will return the Disk ID with a "-" in it. If you use the Ansys License Manager, it will remove any leading zero(s) from the string. What AGI needs for the license is the eight characters prepended with any leading zero(s) with no dashes. AGI has error checking in place to fix it if entered incorrectly.

Option 2: Using Windows PowerShell 

1) From the Windows start menu, type PowerShell and select Windows PowerShell from the Apps area.
2) Enter the following command and record the eight-hex-digit response:

Get-WmiObject Win32_volume | Format-table Name, @{Label = "SerialNumber"; Expression = {"{0:X}" -f $_.SerialNumber}} -auto | findstr "C:"


Option 3: Using the Ansys License Manager 

1) If you have already installed STK and the Ansys License Manager, go to the Windows start menu and open ANSYS License Management Center. In the app, go to License File Options -> Get System Hostid Information. 
2) You can either look under the HostID column or click the SAVE TO FILE button to find your Disk ID. 

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How do I find the Server Name (also known as Host Name) of my computer? 

Option 1: Using a command prompt 

1) From the Windows start menu, type cmd to bring up the command prompt.
2) Type hostname, or if that fails type ipconfig /all and look for Host Name. Use what is returned there.

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Option 2: Using Windows PowerShell 

1) From the Windows start menu, type PowerShell and select Windows PowerShell from the Apps area.
2) Type hostname or if that fails type [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostName() and record the name that's returned.


Option 3: Using the Ansys License Manager 

1) If you have already installed STK and the Ansys License Manager, go to the Windows start menu and open ANSYS License Management Center. In the app, go to License File Options -> Get System Hostid Information. 
2) You will see HOSTNAME above the table. Use this. 

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TitleHow to Find Your Disk ID and Server Name
URL NameHow-to-find-your-Disk-ID-and-server-name

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