How to Update Data in SEG Desktop

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In order to update the satellite catalog, EOP data, space weather data, and leap second data, first SEG should be opened and held open for the entire duration of the loading process. 

Then, open the file explorer and navigate to the SEG install directory and then to "SEG_Tools\Data Files".
For most people, the path to this folder will look like: "C:\Program Files\AGI\SEG\SEG_Tools\Data Files".

Then, for each specific data type that you would like to update, you must individually replace the data file in each folder. The Dynamic Earth Data folder is where EOP data, space weather, and leap second data is stored. The satellite catalog database is located in the Satellite DB File folder. 

Once you have replaced the data folders, you will need to open Windows Powershell as an administrator to run a Powershell script. In order to run scripts, you might first have to enter the command Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted within the Windows Powershell. This is because, by default, powershell scripts are blocked on Windows as a safety feature. Be sure to run Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Restricted afterwards to return the settings back to their defaults. 

Now change directory to where the Powershell script is located: <SEG install directory> Program Files\AGI\SEG\SEG_Tools\Scripts\PowerShell. For most users, this will look like cd "C:\Program Files\AGI\SEG\SEG_Tools\Scripts\PowerShell".

Now run the command .\SEG-LoadData.ps1 -srv -only "LeapSecond,EOP,SpaceWeather,Catalog" 
in order to update the leap second, EOP, space weather, and satellite catalog data. If you only want to update part of this data, such as just the space weather data, simply remove information from the end of the command such that only the data you want to upload is specified. For example, .\SEG-LoadData.ps1 -srv -only "SpaceWeather".

If the command returns Finished, your data has been successfully updated to match the files you replaced earlier. 
TitleHow to Update Data in SEG Desktop
URL NameHow-to-Update-Data-in-SEG-Desktop

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