How to Add a TLE to SEG

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First, open SEG. SEG must remain open throughout the entire process. 

You will now need to open Windows Powershell as an administrator to run a Powershell script. In order to run scripts, you might first have to enter the command Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted within the Windows Powershell. This is because, by default, powershell scripts are blocked on Windows as a safety feature. Be sure to run Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Restricted afterwards to return the settings back to their defaults. 

Now change directory to where the Powershell script is located: <SEG install directory> Program Files\AGI\SEG\SEG_Tools\Scripts\PowerShell. For most users, this will look like cd "C:\Program Files\AGI\SEG\SEG_Tools\Scripts\PowerShell".

Next, run the command .\SEG-AddFromTLEs.ps1 -srv -tleFile FilePath -tle -state,
where FilePath is the path to your TLE file. For example, on my computer the command looks like: 
.\SEG-AddFromTLEs.ps1 -srv -tleFile "C:\Users\tglinski\Documents\STK 12\AdvancedCAT\AAP-1.tle" -tle -state

If this succeeds, it will return the number of TLEs added. 

Additionally, you can also add optional parameters to the end of this command to change what is uploaded. The parameters are as follows:


This will trigger upload of various pieces of information for each space object based on what is found in the TLE data.  This will determine force models based on orbit class and upload those as "SpaceObjectForceModel" data to accompany the states tagged to the appropriate object in the system.  Only TLEs for existing space objects will be added; this script doesn't create new space objects.


This specifies the path to the server where the SEG webserver exists (e.g., "").


(tleDir or tleFile) This is the directory containing the TLE files with a *.tce file extension.  Each file should contain a set of text lines with every two lines representing a distinct TLE.


(tleDir or tleFile) This is a single file to parse and upload that contains a set of text lines with every two lines representing a distinct TLE.

.PARAMETER effectivity

(Optional) This parameter is a date in ISO8601 format (e.g., 2008-01-01T00:00:00) specified in UTC by convention.  It indicates the time at which URIs for these objects are effective in the system. The default is "2008-01-01T00:00:00".


(Optional) This limits the upload to the first "limit" number of objects.  By default, this is one million.


(Optional) This is the name of a file containing a list of specific SSC numbers to be added, where the file has one SSC number per line. This can be used to load a subset of TLEs from a large TLE file instead of loading all of the TLEs.


(Optional) Selection of this directs the creation of batches of uploads so as to avoid large upload sizes.  By default, this is one million.


(Optional) This is a switch to indicate that the script should upload cartesian states corresponding to the TLE data.


(Optional) This is a switch to indicate that the script will upload each TLE in the dataset.

.PARAMETER forceModel

(Optional) This is a switch to indicate that the script will upload a force model for each space object based on the orbit class of the associated TLE.


(Optional) This can be used along with -forceModel to set the maximum altitude in kilometers for enabling drag modeling. The default is 1500.

.PARAMETER securityTokenSrv

(Optional) This specifies the path to the Security Token server (e.g., ""). The relative path to get to the token request will be added automatically.  If this is not specified, the script will call the services without keycloak.

.PARAMETER securityServiceSrv

(Optional) This specifies the path to the Security Service server (e.g., ""). The relative path to get to the token request will be added automatically.  If this is not specified, the script will call the services without keycloak.

.PARAMETER keycloakSvcAccountClient

(Optional) This specifies the name for the client to use when specifying the "securityServiceSrv" for the service account rather than providing user credentials.

.PARAMETER keycloakSvcAccountSecret

(Optional) This specifies the "secret" provided by the administrator of the keycloak server in order to enable the "keycloakSvcAccountClient" to use the service account to acquire security tokens.


By default, this is "SEG Users" and is the client ID that will be used with keycload security token generation.

.PARAMETER verbose

This is a switch that will turn on verbose output for diagnostic purposes.
TitleHow to Add a TLE to SEG
URL NameHow-to-Add-a-TLE-to-SEG

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