How To Add Tracking Facilities To SEG Without Using ODTK

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ProblemHow do I add tracking facilities to SEG without using ODTK?
First, open SEG and make sure that SEG stays open during this entire process.

Next, you will need to define the tracking facilities as XML files. To do this, first browse to the SEG install directory and then SEG_Tools\SEG_Demo\TrackingStations. This full path is usually C:\Program Files\AGI\SEG\SEG_Tools\SEG_Demo\Tracking Stations.

Save a copy of TrackerModels.xml and Trackers.xml in another directory. Now open your new copies of Trackers.xml and TrackerModels.xml and find a tracker type that matches your tracker. Once you have found such a tracker type, edit the name, tracker number, and effectivity to match your given tracker. The effectivity will be a date in the format of YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSSSS, for example, 1999-11-30T00:00:00.000000. Facilities will only show up in scenarios that take place after the facility effectivity date. The tracker number and effectivity in your TrackerModels.xml and Trackers.xml files must match. Feel free to edit other properties in both files in order to further define your tracking facility. Once you have done this in both files, make sure to delete the data for all other tracking facilities from both files. 

You will now need to open Windows Powershell as an administrator to run a Powershell script. In order to run scripts, you might first have to enter the command Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted within the Windows Powershell. This is because by default, Windows blocks Powershell scripts as a safety feature.

Next, execute the following Powershell script steps: 
1. Change directory to change where the Powershell script is located to <SEG install directory> Program Files\AGI\SEG\SEG_Tools\Scripts\PowerShell. For most users, this command will look like cd "C:\Program Files\AGI\SEG\SEG_Tools\Scripts\PowerShell".
2. Run the command .\SEG-LoadData.ps1 –srv –only “Trackers” –verbose.
3. Enter the path to the Trackers.xml file you saved to earlier and click enter. If this succeeds, it will return a success notice.
4. Enter the path to the TrackerModels.xml file you saved to earlier and click enter. If this also returns a success notice, then you are finished. If not, you might have entered the file path incorrectly. Make sure to use double quotes (" ") for your path instead of single quotes (' '). 
5. Be sure to run Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Restricted to return the settings back to their defaults.

Once this is done, close the Windows Powershell window, close SEG, and then reopen SEG. Any scenarios set after the specified effectivity date should now have the facilities you just uploaded. 
TitleHow To Add Tracking Facilities To SEG Without Using ODTK
URL NameHow-To-Add-Tracking-Facilities-To-SEG-Without-Using-ODTK

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